Sree Krishna Jayanthi

I doubt whether anybody is there who is NOT fascinated by baby Krishna and his Leelas (childish pranks). Celebrating this festival gives a special joy to all mothers and ofcourse the children. It is a festival which accepts the pranks which children do.!
The celebration is done by putting kolams and “Krishnan kal”. (supposed to be baby krishna’s foot prints as he plays around the house). These are drawn with paste made from rice flour. I even put them in my kitchen tables imagining the stories of Kannan (pet name of Krishna) climbing up to steal butter.!
We make delicacies and snacks which are favuorites of Krishna. They include Unniappam, Aval, Pal payasam, Thattai, murukku, Cheedai etc and ofcourse his ever favourites milk and butter. Puja is done in the evening. The sweets and snacks are distributed to the children.
I have heard that in olden times, and even now in some villages and northern parts of India I suppose, games like Uri-adi etc are conducted remembering the games which Krishna played with his friends.

P.S: My mother and grandma used to make 7 or 9 items at home itself. Children loved to eat these home made through out the day. Recently, all items are available as a package (!) from many sweet shops at Chennai. Also the current trend is of the Lays chips and Kur-kure than these home made and quite healthy snacks.!