Saturday, December 18, 2010

Appearing for Japanese N5 exam

Its quite some time since I wrote any exam. Learning Japanese and appearing for the N5-proficiency test 2010 was an experience that kindled my mind. I always feel that learning something,makes you feel younger. !

Though we (I am learning along with some of my friends) were able to pick up the Hiragana and Kanji sections fast, the listening and understanding was bit tough, especially their accent. May be when we do the next level it may be better.!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vow to Learn something

Many a times I have felt a feeling of vaccum or a missing feeling in my heart. My heart will be so heavy that I feel that I have missed something.

If at any time I am idle my mind becomes restless. So to keep myself active, I have joined for the music and japanese lessons. I read somewhere, learning new thing keep your mind active and hence reduces the risk of many ailments that come at the later part of life.

Many ask me what I am going to do after learning Japanese. To be frank even I am not sure. But merely for the joy of learning, I wanted to learn something. Thats a VOW for me....There is so much to learn in the world....Knowledge is an ocean..katrathu kai alavu.. There is always more to learn!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ikebana Exihibition - Chennai

After I joined the Japanese Language course, I take interest what ever related to Japanese. Though the Japanese cultural was there for more than a week I could visit only the Ikebana and Bonsai.

Ikebana is a Japanese art of flower arrangement. The exihibition at chennai displayed Ikebana and Bonsai arrangements.
